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IEC 60065:2014 Audio, video and similar electronic apparatus – Safety requirements

Scope and Fundamental Safety Requirements:
IEC 60065:2014 outlines safety requirements for audio, video, and similar electronic devices, aiming to protect users from electrical, mechanical, and thermal hazards. It specifies measures to prevent electric shock, fire, excessive heat, and physical injuries under normal operation and fault conditions. Key aspects include insulation, creepage distances, and clearance requirements to ensure electrical safety.

Design, Construction, and Testing Procedures:
The standard details design and construction requirements, including enclosure strength, grounding, and component safety. It also specifies testing methods, such as thermal, impact, and dielectric strength tests, to verify compliance. Additionally, it covers labeling and user instructions to inform users about potential risks and safe operation practices.

LISUN supplies the fully test solutions for the following IEC 60065:2014, please see the below excel table:

IEC 60065:2014 Clause and Subject LISUN MODEL
a.Heat run GDJS-015B
b.Vibration test LVD-100KG Test Probe B SMT-PB Test Finger with Force 20N SMT-S15 Test Probes 18 and 19 SMT-1819 Test Probe 13 SMT-1213C
9.1.4 Test Probe D SMT-1204
9.1.5 Test Probe C SMT-1203
9.1.7 Test Probe 11 SMT-1150
10.3 Humidity treatment GDJS-015B
10.4 Insulation resistance and dielectric strength WB2681A
11.2.2 Measurement of temperature rises WS-1
12.1.3 Vibration test LVD-100KG
12.1.4 Impact test IK01-07
12.1.5 Drop test DT-60KG
13.3.4 Measurement of transient voltages SUG335
15.2 Provisions for protective earthing WB2678A
16.3 Bending Test WDT-B42
20 Resistance to fire ZRS-3H

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