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IEC 60598-2-10: 2003 Luminaires – Part 2-10: Particular requirements – Portable luminaires for children

This standard IEC 60598-2-10:2003 applies to portable luminaires designed for children’s use, such as bedside lamps and toy lamps. It requires that the luminaire structure avoids sharp edges, risks of pinching, and the possibility of small parts being swallowed. Surface temperature limits are also set to prevent burns. In terms of electrical safety, the luminaires must have adequate insulation protection, operate at a safe voltage to prevent electric shock risks, and feature power cords with sufficient mechanical strength to resist pulling or damage.

The standard IEC 60598-2-10:2003 specifies testing methods to verify the safety of luminaires, including stability tests, electric shock protection tests, heat resistance tests, and mechanical strength tests. The materials used in the luminaires must meet flame resistance requirements and pass drop, pressure, and twisting tests to ensure safety under normal use and potential misuse by children. Additionally, the light sources must comply with relevant safety standards to avoid harming children’s eyesight. Product labeling and instructions should clearly indicate the applicable age range and usage precautions.

LISUN supplies the fully test solutions for the following IEC 60598-2-10:2003, please see the below excel table:

IEC 60598-2-10: 2003 Luminaires –  Part 2-10:Particular requirements – Portable luminaires for children LISUN MODEL
Clause 10.7 Creepage distances and clearances CK-1
Clause 10.12 Endurance tests and thermal tests GDJS-015B
Clause 10.13 Resistance to dust, solid objects and moisture SC-015
Clause 10.14 Insulation resistance and electric strength WB2681A
Clause 10.15 Resistance to heat, fire and tracking ZRS-3H

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