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IEC 60662:2002 High-pressure sodium vapour lamps – Performance specifications

IEC 60662:2002 is an international standard that specifies performance requirements for high-pressure sodium vapor lamps used in general lighting. This standard outlines technical specifications, including terms and definitions, general lamp requirements, markings, dimensions, lamp caps, and the testing requirements for lamp starting, warm-up, electrical, and photometric characteristics. Additionally, it provides design information for ballasts, ignitors, and luminaires, as well as a numbering system for lamp data sheets.

The standard aims to ensure that high-pressure sodium vapor lamps perform reliably under normal conditions and meet acceptable usage requirements. By adhering to IEC 60662:2002, manufacturers can design high-pressure sodium vapor lamps with enhanced efficiency and durability, making them suitable for applications such as airports, seaports, streets, railway marshalling yards, and crossings.

LISUN supplies the fully test solutions for the following IEC 60662:2002, please see the below excel table:

IEC 60662:2002 Clause and Subject LISUN MODEL
8.3 Lamp warm-up test WS-1
8.4 Ageing DYJ
8.9 Lumen maintenance and life LEDLM-84PL
Annex H Method of test for lumen maintenance and life
Annex A Waveshape of voltage pulses for lamp starting test (schematic drawings) SG61000-5
Annex G Method of measuring electrical and photometrical characteristics LPCE-2(LMS-9000)

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