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IEC 60838-1:2020 Miscellaneous lampholders – Part 1: General requirements and tests

IEC 60838-1:2020, titled “Miscellaneous Lampholders – Part 1: General Requirements and Tests,” specifies the general requirements and testing methods for various types of lampholders intended for building-in applications. These lampholders are designed for use with general-purpose light sources, projection lamps, floodlighting lamps, and street-lighting lamps, as detailed in Annex A of the standard.

The fifth edition of this standard introduces significant technical revisions compared to its predecessors. Notable updates include new or revised requirements for single and dual contact ignition voltages, specifications for steel and brass test caps, and the addition of Annex E, which outlines amended requirements and clauses necessitating product retesting. This consolidated version encompasses the original fifth edition (2016) along with its subsequent amendments from 2017 and 2020, ensuring comprehensive and up-to-date guidelines for the safe use of lamps in these lampholders.

LISUN supplies the fully test solutions for the following IEC 60838-1:2020, please see the below excel table:

IEC 60838-1:2020 Clause and Subject LISUN MODEL
3.11 transient overvoltage SUG335
6.2 According to their resistance to heat GW-500
16 Endurance
8.1 10N force SMT-02T10
10 Provision for earthing WB2678A
12.1 Holders shallbe moisture-proof GDJS-015B
12.2 The insulation resistance WB2681A
13 Mechanical strength-pendulum hammer test IK07-10
15 Creepage distances and clearances CK-1
17 Resistance to heat and fire GW-500
18.2 rust-protected YWX/Q-010
Annex C corrosion test

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