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IEC 62052-11:2003 Electricity metering equipment(AC)- General requirements, tests and test conditions – Part 11:Metering equipment

IEC 62052-11:2003 specifies general requirements, tests, and test conditions for AC electricity metering equipment. It covers aspects such as functionality, mechanical structure, electrical characteristics, and marking requirements to ensure the accuracy, reliability, and durability of metering devices. The standard applies to all types of electricity meters used for active energy (kWh) and reactive energy (kVARh) measurements, including provisions for environmental and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements.

Additionally, the standard outlines detailed procedures for testing metering equipment under various operating conditions to verify performance against specified criteria. These tests encompass climatic, electrical, and mechanical assessments simulating real-world scenarios. The aim is to harmonize global metering practices, ensuring consistent quality and interoperability across devices from different manufacturers while complying with regulatory and market demands.

LISUN supplies the fully test solutions for the following IEC 62052-11:2003, please see the below excel table:

IEC 62052-11:2003 Electricity metering equipment(AC) – General requirements, tests and test conditions – Part 11:Metering equipment LISUN MODEL
Clause 3.4 Definitions related to insulation WB2681A
Clause Spring hammer test IK01-06
Clause Shock test DT-60KG
Clause Vibration test LVD-100KG
Clause 5.6 Clearance and creepage distances CK-1
Clause 5.8 Resistance to heat and fire ZRS-3H
Clause 5.9 Protection against penetration of dust and water SC-015
Clasuse 6 Climatic conditions GDJS-015B
Clause 6.3.4 Protection against solar radiation XD-500LS
Clause 7.1.2 Voltage dips and short interruptions CSS61000-29
Clause 7.2 Heating WS-1
Clause 7.3.2 Impulse voltage test SUG255
Clause 7.4 Immunity to earth fault WB2678A
Clause 7.5.2 Test of immunity to electrostatic discharges ESD61000-2
Clause 7.5.3 Test of immunity to electromagneticRF fields AC-3M
Clause 7.5.4 Fast transient burst test EFT61000-4
Clause 7.5.5 Test of immunity to conducted disturbances, induced by radio-frequency fields RFCI61000-6
Clause 7.5.6 Surge immunity test SG61000-5
Clause 7.5.7 Damped oscillatory waves immunity test RWG61000-12
Clause 7.5.8 Radio interference suppression VVLA-30M

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