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IEC 62052-11:2020 Electricity metering equipment- General requirements, tests and test conditions- Part 11: Metering equipment

IEC 62052-11:2020 focuses on the type testing specifications for electricity metering equipment used in alternating current (AC) systems. It applies to newly manufactured equipment used for electrical energy measurement and control in electrical networks with a voltage not exceeding 600V and a frequency of 50Hz or 60Hz.

This standard defines general mechanical and electrical requirements, such as the appearance, structural stability of the meters, and electrical insulation. It also specifies functional and marking requirements to ensure clear functionality and accurate markings of the meters. Additionally, it sets out the performance requirements and corresponding test conditions for meters under different climatic and electromagnetic environments, as well as requirements and conditions for tests against external influences. It even has requirements for embedded software, ensuring the quality and performance of AC electricity meters from multiple aspects.

LISUN supplies the fully test solutions for the following IEC 62052-11:2020, please see the below excel table:

IEC 62052-11:2020 Clause and Subject LISUN MODEL
5.2.1 Shock test DT-60KG
5.2.2 Vibration test LVD-100KG
8.3.3&8.3.4 Dry heat test&Cold test GDJS-015B
8.3.6 Protection against solar radiation XD-500LS
9.3.2 Voltage dips and short interruptions CSS61000-11
9.3.3 Electrostatic discharge immunity test ESD61000-2
9.3.4 Radiated, radio-frequency, electromagnetic field immunity test – test without
9.3.5 Radiated, radio-frequency, electromagnetic field immunity test – test with
9.3.6 Electrical fast transient/burst immunity test EFT61000-4
9.3.7 Immunity to conducted disturbances, induced by radio-frequency fields RFCI61000-6
9.3.8 Test for immunity to conducted, differential mode disturbances and signalling
in the frequency range 2 kHz to 150 kHz at AC power ports
9.3.9 Surge immunity test SG61000-5
9.3.10 Ring wave immunity test RWG61000-12
9.3.11 Damped oscillatory wave immunity test DOW61000-18
9.3.13 Power frequency magnetic field immunity test PFM61000-8A

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