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IEC 62053-41:2021 Electricity metering equipment – Particular requirements – Part 41: Static meters for DC energy (classes 0,5 and 1)

IEC 62053-41:2021, titled “Electricity metering equipment – Particular requirements – Part 41: Static meters for DC energy (classes 0.5 and 1)”, is an international standard developed by the International Electrotechnical Commission. It focuses on specifying the particular requirements for static direct – current (DC) electricity meters with accuracy classes of 0.5 and 1.

This standard provides detailed technical specifications and testing methods for DC energy meters, covering aspects such as measurement accuracy, functional requirements, and environmental conditions. It aims to ensure the reliable and accurate measurement of DC electrical energy in various applications, facilitating the standardization and quality control of DC metering equipment worldwide and promoting the development and interoperability of DC power systems.

LISUN supplies the fully test solutions for the following IEC 62053-41:2021, please see the below excel table:

IEC 62053-41:2021 Clause and Subject LISUN MODEL
Table 5 Radiated, radio-frequency. electromagnetic field immunity test – test with current GTEM-2
Table 5 Electrical fast transient/burst immunity test EFT61000-4
Table 5 Immunity to conducted disturbances, induced by radio-frequency fields RFCI61000-6
Table 5 Power frequency magnetic field immunity test PFM61000-8A
Table 5 Dry Heat Test&Cold Test&Damp heat cyclic test GDJS-015B
9.2 Conducted differential mode current disturbances for DC meters LFCI61000-1619

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