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The LED Driver RMS Value Measurement and Analysis
26 Jun, 2019 5667

The LED Driver RMS Value Measurement and Analysis

As we known the quality of LED lighting products depend on two points: One is LED chip(light source); Second is LED power driver. In the practice, there only have few company can provide qualified LED chip such as PHILIPS, OSRAM and CREE in the market. Generally, the LED chip have very small change to get quality problem, but we heard many news about low quality LED lighting products was found and...

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The main differences between the LED driver standards ANSI / UL8750 and EN / IEC 61347-2-13
14 Jan, 2017 4589

The main differences between the LED driver standards ANSI / UL8750 and EN / IEC 61347-2-13

In recent years, many manufacturers are planning to manufacture common global LED drive products with a wide voltage input. But since different countries have different product standards, it results in some difficulties and obstacles in the design and production. This article compares and analyzes the differences of LED driver design and test safety standards between the North American ANSI / UL ...

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LISUN Designed Several Different Test Instruments for LED Driver According to IEC 62384:2006
23 Jul, 2014 2917

LISUN Designed Several Different Test Instruments for LED Driver According to IEC 62384:2006

Due to the quality of LED Driver directly determines the life of the LED lamp, now more and more customers pay great attention to LED Driver testing. In order to meet IEC 62384:2006 and GB/T 24825-2009 standards, Lisun designed the following several products: 1. ATE-2 LED Driver Automatic Test System It is suitable for LED lighting companies who are very demanding on LED driver. It can test the i...

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