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UGR Measurement GR TI Photometric Testing Equipment for Glare Light Test
05 Nov, 2022 1080

UGR Measurement GR TI Photometric Testing Equipment for Glare Light Test

GTS-LS The GTS-LS glare measurement system uses an image luminance meter with great precision. Testing UGR, TI, and GR used in indoor and outdoor light pollution tests is a good idea. Through a precise electronically controlled pan and tilt and specialized measurement and control software, the high-precision measurement and analysis of the unified glare index UGR is made possible. The system is co...

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Why UGR is Important for Track Lighting
27 Jul, 2022 1234

Why UGR is Important for Track Lighting

UGR refers to the uniform glare value: The International Commission on illumination (CIE) is used to measure the psychological parameters of the subjective response of the light emitted by the lighting device in the indoor visual environment to the discomfort of the human eye. Glare is defined as a visual phenomenon that causes discomfort or reduces the ability to observe details or targets due to...

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Why flicker test is so important
28 Jan, 2022 1353

Why flicker test is so important

The myopia rate of primary and secondary school students remains high. More and more people are advocating to pay attention to the improvement of students’ eyesight and the healthy lighting of classrooms, especially parents of students and classrooms. The education industry has also issued relevant standards, such as classroom lighting and lighting hygiene standards in primary and secondary ...

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