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UL updated standard, using 25kHz High Frequency Reference Ballast to detect Type A LED tubes
12 Oct, 2020 2357

UL updated standard, using 25kHz High Frequency Reference Ballast to detect Type A LED tubes

In the field of lighting, fluorescent lamps as a traditional light source have been widely used in the past few decades and have been widely used in commercial and civilian places such as shopping malls, schools, offices, parking garages, and factories. Fluorescent lamp is essentially a low-pressure gas discharge lamp, which exhibits negative resistance characteristics during operation, and requir...

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How to Measure the High Frequency Fluorescent Lamp
23 Oct, 2018 4099

How to Measure the High Frequency Fluorescent Lamp

High frequency fluorescent lamp came out in 1990. Fine tube, small current and high power is the distinct features. Because of the above design structure, high frequency current working, electronic ballast with low power consumption, the work system of this high frequency fluorescent lamp is superior to the traditional lamp on the aspect of lighting effect and photometric. How to measure the chara...

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HCS-109A Adjustable LED High Frequency Reference Ballast is for Type A LED Tube Test
15 Jun, 2017 3114

HCS-109A Adjustable LED High Frequency Reference Ballast is for Type A LED Tube Test

With LED development, the traditional fluorescent tubes in the market are gradually being replaced by LED tubes. Currently LED tubes can be divided into three categories: Type A tube: This lamp can replace the fluorescent tube directly without modification; Type B tube: The power supply of this lamp is built-in LED tube, which can connect with city electricity; Type C tube: Use external power supp...

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Two test way for High Frequency Adjustable Reference Ballast(25KHz)
18 Jun, 2015 4833

Two test way for High Frequency Adjustable Reference Ballast(25KHz)

HCS-109A has two functions: one is high frequency ballast; second is high frequency digital power meter. As above picture show, after we connected instrument with test samples, high frequency constant power source will output high voltage to start test lamp (tube), high frequency constant power source output frequency range is 20KHz-26KHz, it can provide continuously adjustable current 100mA-500m...

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