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Explanation of haze, transmittance, refraction and glossiness
09 Apr, 2023 2492

Explanation of haze, transmittance, refraction and glossiness

Generally speaking, we can understand the concept of haze as the ability to scatter light. As shown above, light is scattered. The greater the haze, the stronger the material’s ability to scatter light, and the more blurred our eyes will be. For example, frosted glass, standing at the other end of the glass, the human eye can not see the scene on the other side of the glass, but the glass is...

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Haze meter detect the optical performance of transparent film
05 Feb, 2023 1454

Haze meter detect the optical performance of transparent film

Transparency is one of the important indicators to evaluate the optical properties of transparent film, but during the production process of transparent film, due to the stability of production processes, the optical performance of transparent film will change. In order to accurately evaluate the optical properties of the transparent film, you can use the haze meter to test. Transparent film The n...

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Haze, transmittance, refraction, gloss
19 Jan, 2023 1275

Haze, transmittance, refraction, gloss

Do you know the Haze, transmittance, refraction, gloss ?When light is incident on the surface of an object 1. Specular reflection occurs on the surface of the object. It is the main reason for the gloss of the surface of the object. 2. When the light incident into the object, scattering occurs inside the object, resulting in diffuse reflection and diffuse transmission. 3. When diffuse reflection a...

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LISUN solution for haze, transmittance and light transmittance measurement
25 Oct, 2022 1108

LISUN solution for haze, transmittance and light transmittance measurement

Characteristics of Haze Meter: Haze is the percentage of the transmitted light intensity that deviates 2.5 ° from the incident light to the total transmitted light intensity. Transmittance (T) refers to the percentage of the luminous flux transmitted through a transparent or translucent body and its incident luminous flux. LISUN fogmeter is suitable for one-stop measurement solution of color, haz...

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