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How an integrating sphere works?
25 Jan, 2022 1719

How an integrating sphere works?

Foreword: With the rapid development of the LED industry, the application range of LED lamps is becoming wider and wider, and there are more and more types of lamps. Flat light is one of them. Flat light is suitable for indoor lighting such as living room, bedroom, corridor, kitchen, viewing balcony, etc. At the same wattage as traditional lighting sources, flat panel lights are energy efficient, ...

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What is the function of the optical integrating sphere
10 Nov, 2021 1502

What is the function of the optical integrating sphere

The functions of the optical integrating sphere tester include light receiving, uniformly illuminated object surface, spherical parallel light tube, etc. Its principle is that after light is incident from the input hole, the light is uniformly reflected and diffused inside the sphere. Below take Lisun’s optical integrating sphere system as an example to introduce it in detail. The role of op...

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Integrating-sphere system for measuring the optical properties
26 Oct, 2021 1531

Integrating-sphere system for measuring the optical properties

The integrating sphere is a cavity sphere coated with a white diffuse reflection material on the inner wall, also known as a photometric sphere, a luminous sphere, etc. One or several window holes are opened on the spherical wall, which are used as light inlet holes and receiving holes for placing light receiving devices. The inner wall of the integrating sphere should be a good spherical surface,...

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What does an integrating sphere measure
19 Oct, 2021 1685

What does an integrating sphere measure

Generally speaking, the optical diffuser, when used carefully, can reduce the small errors caused by the uneven distribution of the incident light source on the detector or the deviation of the beam during measurement, so the accuracy of the integrating sphere measurements can be improved. However, in precise measurement, an integrating sphere must be used as an optical diffuser to minimize the ab...

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How do you calibrate an integrating sphere
26 Sep, 2021 2094

How do you calibrate an integrating sphere

1. Operation steps: 1. First connect the probe and optical fiber to the corresponding position of the integrating sphere, and fix it. 2. Turn on the DC power supply of the integrating sphere system configuration. 3. Turn on the computer, then open the computer desktop test software, and select “System Settings” on the software, and connect the DC power supply, the electric parameter me...

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How do you choose integrating sphere if you test small size but high power HID lamp?
28 May, 2019 4945

How do you choose integrating sphere if you test small size but high power HID lamp?

HID lamp is high intensity discharge lamp. High pressure sodium lamp, high pressure mercury lamp, xenon lamp, metal halide lamp are all belong to HID lamp. We generally use Integrating Sphere Spectroradiometer Test System to test the photometric, colorimetric and electrometric parameters. Generally we suggest the diameter size of Integrating Sphere according to the size of lamp under test. If yo...

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LISUN 3M Integrating Sphere Test Results Comparison with Third Party Laboratory
02 May, 2018 3077

LISUN 3M Integrating Sphere Test Results Comparison with Third Party Laboratory

Lisun engineers visited Barcelona recently, this visit was mainly to install the 3m Integrating Sphere Test System for the customer and provide training service. This customer compared the test results of Lisun’s 3m Integrating Sphere Test System with the test results of Holophane(HEL) and LIA Laboratories. This customer provided 4 samples to the third lab. Compared with LIA Laboratories, o...

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How to choose integrating sphere to measuring different lamps
20 Jun, 2017 2901

How to choose integrating sphere to measuring different lamps

The Spectroradiometer Integrating Sphere System, there are two important parts: one is measuring and analysis; another is assistant part which providing testing environmental. Here we will discuss the assistant part, we knew that the integrating sphere spherical aggregates, the inner wall of integrating sphere is coated with a highly reflective coating material to the effect of light refraction. H...

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The Status of Integrating Sphere in China Market
26 Jan, 2017 7453

The Status of Integrating Sphere in China Market

IES LM-79 “Electrical and Photometric Measurement of Solid-State Lighting Products” as the exclusive international standard for measuring the total luminous flux, electrical power, luminous intensity distribution and correlated color temperature (CCT), color rendering index (CRI) and other colorimetric parameters of solid-state lighting products (SSL), it highlights the total luminous flux of ...

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LISUN Design 3m Electric Integrating Sphere
26 Dec, 2016 4010

LISUN Design 3m Electric Integrating Sphere

Summary: Compared with common integrating sphere, the all-new 3m integrating sphere has many improvements. LISUN engineers add the infrared anti-pinch device, the cross laser positioning and adjustable multifunctional holder base in the integrating sphere. The world famous company Sharp Laboratories of America and some other  European companies have purchased the 3m integrating sphere.  Here ...

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The Description of Integrating Sphere Coating
25 Mar, 2015 2774

The Description of Integrating Sphere Coating

The ideal integrating sphere paint should have below performances: 1. High-Lambert characteristics (good diffuse reflection characteristics) 2. High reflectance in a wide wavelength range 3. High stability 4. Easy construction 5. Easy to remove The history of integrating sphere coating: In 1934, Principle of Optics mentioned the description of principle of integrating sphere and the formulations o...

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