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Explain integrating sphere and its geometries
12 Oct, 2022 1301

Explain integrating sphere and its geometries

An integrating sphere is a sphere having a reflecting covering on the interior, as implied by the name. It is designed to have a light source inside of it, at which point it can calculate the overall flux output of the light. Hence 2pi and 4pi integrating spheres are one of its types. It amasses all the rays that leave the item and are reflected by the coating on the interior of the sphere. As it...

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How can you use integrating spheres to measure the quality of LED instruments
25 Sep, 2022 1526

How can you use integrating spheres to measure the quality of LED instruments

An integrating sphere is frequently used to examine luminaire or light source brightness, chromaticity coordinates, CCT, dominant wavelength, peak wavelength, etc. The traditional integrating sphere is the IS-*M, which LISUN has already stopped manufacturing in favor of the IS-*MA, which uses a molding method. It is your finest choice to take into consideration if your application calls for the me...

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Integrating sphere as an instrument for sphere integration
10 Mar, 2022 1588

Integrating sphere as an instrument for sphere integration

If your application requires measurement of a widely diverging beam, an integrating sphere is the best option to consider. An integrating sphere is an optical component that captures a light beam and enables you to measure the power in the beam under conditions that would otherwise be very challenging. A widely diverging beam that might overfill a regular sensor aperture. Sphere integration LPCE-2...

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How do you clean an integrated sphere
29 Jan, 2022 1741

How do you clean an integrated sphere

To integrate radioactive flow, an integrating sphere is needed. In many applications, the integrating sphere is used to measure optical radiation straightforwardly. A thorough understanding of how the integrated sphere works are required before designing a sphere for a particular application. Diffuse reflective surfaces have a crucial role in determining how light travels across the globe. The ill...

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How an integrating sphere works?
25 Jan, 2022 1754

How an integrating sphere works?

Foreword: With the rapid development of the LED industry, the application range of LED lamps is becoming wider and wider, and there are more and more types of lamps. Flat light is one of them. Flat light is suitable for indoor lighting such as living room, bedroom, corridor, kitchen, viewing balcony, etc. At the same wattage as traditional lighting sources, flat panel lights are energy efficient, ...

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What is the function of the optical integrating sphere
10 Nov, 2021 1529

What is the function of the optical integrating sphere

The functions of the optical integrating sphere tester include light receiving, uniformly illuminated object surface, spherical parallel light tube, etc. Its principle is that after light is incident from the input hole, the light is uniformly reflected and diffused inside the sphere. Below take Lisun’s optical integrating sphere system as an example to introduce it in detail. The role of op...

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Integrating-sphere system for measuring the optical properties
26 Oct, 2021 1550

Integrating-sphere system for measuring the optical properties

The integrating sphere is a cavity sphere coated with a white diffuse reflection material on the inner wall, also known as a photometric sphere, a luminous sphere, etc. One or several window holes are opened on the spherical wall, which are used as light inlet holes and receiving holes for placing light receiving devices. The inner wall of the integrating sphere should be a good spherical surface,...

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What does an integrating sphere measure
19 Oct, 2021 1709

What does an integrating sphere measure

Generally speaking, the optical diffuser, when used carefully, can reduce the small errors caused by the uneven distribution of the incident light source on the detector or the deviation of the beam during measurement, so the accuracy of the integrating sphere measurements can be improved. However, in precise measurement, an integrating sphere must be used as an optical diffuser to minimize the ab...

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How do you calibrate an integrating sphere
26 Sep, 2021 2137

How do you calibrate an integrating sphere

1. Operation steps: 1. First connect the probe and optical fiber to the corresponding position of the integrating sphere, and fix it. 2. Turn on the DC power supply of the integrating sphere system configuration. 3. Turn on the computer, then open the computer desktop test software, and select “System Settings” on the software, and connect the DC power supply, the electric parameter me...

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Interpretation of the latest American Energy Star IES LM-79-19 standard
07 Jan, 2020 4881

Interpretation of the latest American Energy Star IES LM-79-19 standard

LM-79-19 English Version Free Download: Click Here LM-79-19 Spanish Version Free Download: Click Here LM-79-19 Chinese Version Free Download: Click Here ANSI (American National Standards Institute) and IES(Illuminating Engineering Society of North America) officially released the latest version of the IES LM-79-19 standard in May 2019, it will replace the LM-79-08 version. LISUN interpreted the ne...

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Comparative Evaluation between ANSI / IES Standards LM-79-19 and LM-79-08
08 Dec, 2019 7682

Comparative Evaluation between ANSI / IES Standards LM-79-19 and LM-79-08

LM-79-19 English Version Free Download: Click Here LM-79-19 Spanish Version Free Download: Click Here LM-79-19 Chinese Version Free Download: Click Here This article tries to make a comparative evaluation between ANSI/IES LM-79-19 Standard that has replaced ANSI/IES LM-79-08 that deals with the methods approved by ANSI/IES regarding performance, requirements technicians of photometric and electri...

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How do you choose integrating sphere if you test small size but high power HID lamp?
28 May, 2019 4971

How do you choose integrating sphere if you test small size but high power HID lamp?

HID lamp is high intensity discharge lamp. High pressure sodium lamp, high pressure mercury lamp, xenon lamp, metal halide lamp are all belong to HID lamp. We generally use Integrating Sphere Spectroradiometer Test System to test the photometric, colorimetric and electrometric parameters. Generally we suggest the diameter size of Integrating Sphere according to the size of lamp under test. If yo...

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