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LPCE-3 CCD Spectroradiometer Integrating Sphere Compact System is Designed According to IES LM-79-08 9.1 Integrating Sphere with a Spctroradiometer(Sphere-spectroradiometer System)
02 Mar, 2020 2733

LPCE-3 CCD Spectroradiometer Integrating Sphere Compact System is Designed According to IES LM-79-08 9.1 Integrating Sphere with a Spctroradiometer(Sphere-spectroradiometer System)

The full name of IES LM-79-08 is Electrical and Photometric Measurements of Solid-State Lighting Products. It is edited by the Illuminating Engineering Society in 2008. This approved method is a guide developed for the measurement of solid state lighting products. We will introduce the clause 9.1 Integrating Sphere with a Spectroradiometer(Sphere-spectroradiometer System) in this article. The foll...

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How to Disable Digital Driver Signature Enforcement for 64bit WIN 7 8 10?
26 Feb, 2019 11020

How to Disable Digital Driver Signature Enforcement for 64bit WIN 7 8 10?

If you need to disable the 64bit digital signature enforcement of the computer, follow the steps: For Win 7 system There are two ways and you can use any of them. Restart the computer and press “F8” at the beginning. Then you can enter “Advanced boot options”. Move the cursor to “Disable Driver Signature Enforcement” and press “Enter”.     F...

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Characteristics and Applications of Different Type Spectrometer
14 Nov, 2015 3168

Characteristics and Applications of Different Type Spectrometer

According to CIE, EN and LM-79(Clause 9.1) etc standards, spectroradiometer integrating sphere system is used for all kinds of light source photometry parameters test. The following introduces Lisun several different spectrometers’ characteristics and applications briefly. LMS-9000A/LMS-9000B High precision CCD spectroradiometer. LMS-9000A is mainly used for LED light source test. Test datas me...

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Spectrophotometer and Colorimeter
21 Nov, 2012 3722

Spectrophotometer and Colorimeter

When choosing the instrument to purchase or use for the application, it is very important to understand the types of instruments available for measuring color. A colorimeter or spectrophotometer can be used to measure any test substance that is itself colored or can be reacted to produce a color. Both colorimeter and spectrophotometer provide data obtained over the same range of visible wavele...

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UV-C LED Prospect
15 Jan, 2010 5959

UV-C LED Prospect

With LED technology development, LED applications in market are more and more wide. UV-C LED germicidal disinfection applications market also reaches a new height in 2016, prospects are bright. With more and more LED companies launch new products, UV-C LED technology will also develop faster. Wavelength of 200~280nm UV part is called UV-C region; this region UV wavelength is short and has high ene...

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