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Difference between photometer and spectrophotometer
03 Sep, 2021 9413

Difference between photometer and spectrophotometer

Photometers and spectrophotometers instruments are well-suited and well-established for measuring moisture, oil/fat, and other easily distinguishable parameters in a wide range of applications. spectrophotometer derived from these photometers. Photometers are usually used to measure parameters at certain wavelengths where the parameter absorbs light, such as 1.94 microns for water and 1.72 micron...

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Spectrometer‌ ‌vs.‌ ‌Radiometer‌ ‌vs.‌ ‌Spectroradiometer‌ ‌-‌ ‌Major‌ ‌Differences‌
02 Sep, 2021 3157

Spectrometer‌ ‌vs.‌ ‌Radiometer‌ ‌vs.‌ ‌Spectroradiometer‌ ‌-‌ ‌Major‌ ‌Differences‌

Radiometry professionals may be familiar with the theories of light and color measurement; the equipment used to detect light and color. The instrument for such calculations includes radiometer, spectrometer and spectroradiometer. However, all three devices can measure light and energy. Therefore, the capabilities, intended uses, and applications of radiometers, spectrometers and spectroradiometer...

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Software Update Steps of LPCE-2(LMS-9000)
24 Sep, 2020 3092

Software Update Steps of LPCE-2(LMS-9000)

LISUN will irregularly update the software of LPCE-2(LMS-9000)Spectroradiometer & Integrating Sphere Test System. However, since each spectroradiometer LMS-9000 in the system has its own independent hardware data file, we need to back up the hardware data file before updating the software (The step 2 below). The software cannot be installed without the LMS-9000 hardware data file, and the ...

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The meaning of ultraviolet rays, wavelength band (UVA, UVB, UVC) and hazards
11 Jun, 2020 5504

The meaning of ultraviolet rays, wavelength band (UVA, UVB, UVC) and hazards

Ultraviolet rays are rays of sunlight with a wavelength of 100 to 400 nanometers (nm). English is ultraviolet, ultra- means above, beyond. The frequency of ultraviolet rays in the solar spectrum is higher than that of visible rays. Can be divided into UVA (ultraviolet A, wavelength 320-400 nm, long wave), UVB (wavelength 280-320 nm, medium wave), UVC (wavelength 100-280 nm, short wave). Among them...

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Working principle of ultraviolet lamp and test method of ultraviolet lamp
05 Jun, 2020 5246

Working principle of ultraviolet lamp and test method of ultraviolet lamp

Ultraviolet lamps are a type of light source that can produce ultraviolet light with a large effective range. In fact, there are also ultraviolet rays in more general light sources, and the sun is the most prominent. As for the general tungsten lamp, there is also near ultraviolet light of about 320nm in the possible range of ultraviolet transmission of glass, and it can be farther if a quartz bul...

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How to Disable Digital Driver Signature Enforcement for 64bit WIN 7 8 10?
26 Feb, 2019 11020

How to Disable Digital Driver Signature Enforcement for 64bit WIN 7 8 10?

If you need to disable the 64bit digital signature enforcement of the computer, follow the steps: For Win 7 system There are two ways and you can use any of them. Restart the computer and press “F8” at the beginning. Then you can enter “Advanced boot options”. Move the cursor to “Disable Driver Signature Enforcement” and press “Enter”.     F...

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LMS-9000A Spectroradiometer New Functions Introduction
17 Jan, 2015 3069

LMS-9000A Spectroradiometer New Functions Introduction

As we known that the quality of LED products depend on lumen, lumen efficiency temperature and CRI etc parameters, the general test device is application with spectroradiometer & integrating sphere system to measuring electrical, photometric and colorimetric parameters. This system mainly testing lumen, CCT, CRI, spectrum, SDCM, voltage, current, power and power factor etc. As general test dev...

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Spectrophotometer and Colorimeter
21 Nov, 2012 3722

Spectrophotometer and Colorimeter

When choosing the instrument to purchase or use for the application, it is very important to understand the types of instruments available for measuring color. A colorimeter or spectrophotometer can be used to measure any test substance that is itself colored or can be reacted to produce a color. Both colorimeter and spectrophotometer provide data obtained over the same range of visible wavele...

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