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Spectrometer‌ ‌vs.‌ ‌Radiometer‌ ‌vs.‌ ‌Spectroradiometer‌ ‌-‌ ‌Major‌ ‌Differences‌
02 Sep, 2021 3167

Spectrometer‌ ‌vs.‌ ‌Radiometer‌ ‌vs.‌ ‌Spectroradiometer‌ ‌-‌ ‌Major‌ ‌Differences‌

Radiometry professionals may be familiar with the theories of light and color measurement; the equipment used to detect light and color. The instrument for such calculations includes radiometer, spectrometer and spectroradiometer. However, all three devices can measure light and energy. Therefore, the capabilities, intended uses, and applications of radiometers, spectrometers and spectroradiometer...

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