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How does an integrating sphere hold up as a spectrophotometer
03 Sep, 2022 1209

How does an integrating sphere hold up as a spectrophotometer

Integrating Sphere Basics The measurement precision of an integrating sphere will undoubtedly be impacted by its design. How the light refracts inside the sphere is affected by the reflectivity of the sphere’s surface as well as the size and placement of ports, detectors, and baffles. The ability of a sphere to integrate light can be affected by all these factors. Large spheres with a 150 ...

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Benefits and Fundamentals of an Integrating Sphere
10 Jul, 2022 1228

Benefits and Fundamentals of an Integrating Sphere

Integrating Spheres have a specified sensitivity to beam size and beam divergence. An integrating sphere is an optical instrument for capturing a light beam and measuring the power in the beam under specific conditions. It is also known as the Ulbricht Sphere and consists of a hollow spherical cavity. The inner surface is covered with a diffuse white reflective coating and the entrance and exit p...

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