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LISUN LSG-1200A Compact Goniophotometer– After-sales Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
27 Dec, 2022 1137

LISUN LSG-1200A Compact Goniophotometer– After-sales Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

The LSG-1200A compact goniophotometer is used to measure the luminous intensity distribution curve, intensity data, beam angle and other photometric parameters for Chip LED, LED Module, LED Spotlight and all other light which spread angle is no more than 180 degree. Optional function: The LSG-1200A can work with a Digital Power Meter (LS2012 DC & AC Power Meter or LS2010 Harmonic Ana...

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Type C goniophotometer and type B goniophotometer test difference and how to choose correct goniophotometer type
02 Jun, 2022 2542

Type C goniophotometer and type B goniophotometer test difference and how to choose correct goniophotometer type

The goniophotometer is an instrument that uses spectrophotometry to perform quantitative and qualitative analysis of substances. It is mainly used for the measurement of the light distribution performance of lamps and light sources, that is, the breadth of light sources in different directions of space, and the distribution of color measurement values. The spectrophotometric law is to determine th...

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What are the three goniophotometer types?
24 Sep, 2021 1578

What are the three goniophotometer types?

Goniophotometer is the main measurement equipment for the light distribution performance test of lamps and luminous. It can be used to measure the spatial light intensity distribution of lamps or light sources, total luminous flux and lamp efficiency and other parameters. The composition of the Goniophotometer system includes: precision turntable and control system, spectrum analysis system, stand...

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Software Update Steps of LSG-1800BCCD/LSG-1700BCCD/LSG-5000CCD
24 Sep, 2020 2402

Software Update Steps of LSG-1800BCCD/LSG-1700BCCD/LSG-5000CCD

LISUN will irregularly update the software of LSG-1800BCCD/LSG-1700BCCD/LSG-5000CCD. However, since each spectroradiometer in the system has its own independent hardware data file, we need to back up the hardware data file before updating the software (The step 2 below). The software cannot be installed without the hardware data file, and the use of the wrong hardware data file will cause deviatio...

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The difference between integrating sphere test system and goniophotometer system
26 Nov, 2018 4113

The difference between integrating sphere test system and goniophotometer system

In optical testing, the measurement of luminous flux and color temperature are essential. There are two test equipment for the measurement: Integrating Sphere Testing System and Goniophotometer. Here we give you a brief introduction to the difference of goniophotometer vs integrating sphere: 1. Integrating Sphere & Spectroradiometer Test System The Integrating Sphere Test System make me...

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How to measure electric, photometric and colorimetric parameters for LED lamps and lanterns?
26 Nov, 2018 3667

How to measure electric, photometric and colorimetric parameters for LED lamps and lanterns?

The main parameters of LED lamps and lanterns include: A: Electric parameters: voltage, current, lamp power, power factor, harmonic, etc B: Colorimetric parameters: correlated color temperature, color rendering index, chromaticity tolerance, color coordinates, SDCM, etc C: Photometric parameters: luminous flux, output luminous efficiency, beam angle, UGR table, intensity distribution, candela tab...

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How to understand the light intensity distribution curve?
05 Jan, 2017 3891

How to understand the light intensity distribution curve?

 Definition: Means luminaries or light sources emit light intensity distribution in space. It can record the luminous flux of luminaries, light quantity, power, power factor, the size of the luminaries, luminaries efficiency including manufacturer of luminaries, type and other information. But the most critical is to record the light intensity distribution of luminaries in all directions. The gon...

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Characteristics and Applications of Different Type Goniophotometer
03 Jan, 2017 3629

Characteristics and Applications of Different Type Goniophotometer

According to IESNA-LM-79 standard, Goniophotometer is used for light intensity distribution and flux test. Accordingly, Lisun Group is goniophotometer manufacture introduced several different types Goniophotometer, the following introduces its characteristics and application. Lisun LSG-6000 LM-79 Goniophotometer with Rotating Mirror is an automatic light distribution intensity 3D curve testing sys...

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IES Files
01 Jan, 2017 3098

IES Files

The lighting industry practitioners must be familiar with IES file. Firstly introduce IES, IES is short for Illuminating Engineering Society of North America. I.E.S is founded in 1906, it is a technical Institute. Institute standardization work is responsible by more than 80 technical committees and subcommittees. Every technical committee is engaged in the research and standard formulation work o...

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The Difference between LED Light Sources
01 Jan, 2017 3044

The Difference between LED Light Sources

Nowadays, there are two main categories of LED light sources classified according the forms on the market, one is COB integrated light source directly combined of multiple chips, the other one is SMD made by a single LED light source pasted on the PCB. Characteristics of light source: There are both advantages and disadvantages between the two kinds of light sources. For COB integrated light sourc...

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CIE Published Latest CIE S025 LED Lamps, LED Luminaires and LED Modules Test Standard
24 Nov, 2015 3125

CIE Published Latest CIE S025 LED Lamps, LED Luminaires and LED Modules Test Standard

CIE Published Latest CIE S025 LED Lamps, LED Luminaires and LED Modules Test Standard CIE has recently published the first international measurement standard for LED Lamps, LED Luminaires and LED Modules, ie. CIE S025(http://div2.cie.co.at/?i_ca_id=563). CIE Division 2 will present a two-day tutorial on the new standard which includes practical work in the laboratories of the Photometry and Applie...

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Lumen test difference between integrating sphere and goniophotometer
16 Jul, 2015 6893

Lumen test difference between integrating sphere and goniophotometer

As well as we know that for the LED luminaires lumen test, the CIE121: 1996 Clause 6.1, CIE127-2007 Clause 6.2 and IES-LM-79-08 Clause 9.0 are mentioned two luminous flux test method: the first is adoption integrating sphere+photometer or spectrometer(recommend by CIE121: 1966 Clause 6.1.1, CIE127-2007 Clause 6.2.and IES-LM-79-08 Clause 9.0), this kind of test method is relative measurement method...

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