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Exploring What is RF Immunity Test: The Significance of RF Conducted Immunity Testing System
16 Oct, 2023 960

Exploring What is RF Immunity Test: The Significance of RF Conducted Immunity Testing System

What is RF Immunity Test: RF Conducted Immunity Testing is a common electromagnetic compatibility testing method used to evaluate the immunity of equipment to disturbances from the environment. This method uses a signal source and receiving antenna to simulate an external electromagnetic field environment and then monitors the output signal of the equipment. RF Conducted Immunity Testing Technolo...

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Explain RF conducted immunity test system
26 Dec, 2022 1795

Explain RF conducted immunity test system

One of the electromagnetic compatibility tests is a continuously performed radio­frequency (RF) immunity test. This is done by RF conducted immunity test system. In the context of the EN standards for settings that are often household, commercial, or industrial, this property is commonly referred to as conducted electromagnetic susceptibility (EMS). In some industries, such as the automotive, aer...

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