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UL 60950-1 Standard on Information Technology Equipment Safety
12 Dec, 2023 426

UL 60950-1 Standard on Information Technology Equipment Safety

I. UL 60950-1 Standard on Information Technology Equipment Safety The UL 60950-1 standard is applicable to mains-powered or battery-powered information technology equipment, including electrical business equipment and associated equipment, with a rated voltage not exceeding 600 V and designed to be installed in accordance with the Canadian Electrical Code, Part I, CSA C22.1-09; General Requirement...

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What happens when IEC 60950-1 is withdrawn?
10 Nov, 2023 425

What happens when IEC 60950-1 is withdrawn?

If you have products certified to 60950-1, you may have questions about what happens after the withdrawal date. On December 20, 2020, 60950-1 will be officially withdrawn, ending a legacy of this standard that spanned over 30 years covering information technology products. In addition, the 60065 audio video standard will also be withdrawn. Prior to the introduction of IEC 60950 (or its brief prede...

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