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Discuss the applications of the impulse generator
29 Nov, 2022 3864

Discuss the applications of the impulse generator

A device that generates very brief spikes in voltage or current is known as an impulse generator SUG255. It may break down these gadgets into two categories: impulse voltage and current generators. Lightning and switching surges may damage electrical infrastructure. Thus it’s important to evaluate its resilience using high impulse voltages. Some nuclear physics experiments even make use of s...

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Surge test and impulse withstand voltage test work principle introduce and both test difference
20 May, 2022 3505

Surge test and impulse withstand voltage test work principle introduce and both test difference

The safety of electronic devices is the most important part of the various elements that determine their quality. The safety parameters include the following parameters: AC/DC high voltage. DC high insulation resistance (or insulation resistance), grounding resistance, leakage current, pulse high voltage, pulse large current, etc. Since IEC65 Announcement《Safety requirements for mains operated e...

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The Difference of Several Kinds of Withstand Voltage Testers
12 Jul, 2021 1723

The Difference of Several Kinds of Withstand Voltage Testers

Many industries will need to do withstand voltage tests now, such as lamps, home appliances, electrical equipment, etc. Many customers don’t know exactly what kind of withstand voltage tester they need. We will take LISUN 3 kinds of equipment that can do withstand voltage test as an example to introduce the difference between several withstand voltage testers here: WB2671B AC/DC Withstand Voltag...

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LISUN will visit India to attend the New Delhi Lighting Fair in October 2018
26 Oct, 2018 3910

LISUN will visit India to attend the New Delhi Lighting Fair in October 2018

LISUN has participated in this India lighting exhibition for four years and has developed a large market in India. We will continue to participate in the New Delhi Lighting Fair in October this year. We will then inform everyone LISUN booth number and welcome to our booth! We would prepare gifts for you. This is one of the most influential exhibition for professional lighting products and technolo...

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What is EMC and What equipment do you need if you want to do EMC test?
06 Mar, 2017 3482

What is EMC and What equipment do you need if you want to do EMC test?

With the widespread use of electrical and electronic equipment, the problem of electromagnetic disturbance has also brought electromagnetic pollution. EMC(Electro Magnetic Compatibility) refers to the ability of a device or system to operate within its electromagnetic environment without incurring unacceptable electromagnetic interference to any device in its environment. EMC testing, one the one ...

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