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Analysis of LED Junction Temperature Detection Methods
15 Sep, 2022 1460

Analysis of LED Junction Temperature Detection Methods

Based on the junction temperature measurement method of high power LED, the ratio of current amplitude to workflow during injection of square wave current pulse into the measured LED device is studied. It is found that the ratio of actual rated current to impulse current is the same. The junction temperature of the LED can be measured by directly measuring the forward junction voltage of the LED u...

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LED test standards and test methods
02 Mar, 2022 5490

LED test standards and test methods

What is the LED test standard? Semiconductor light-emitting diode (LED) is a new type of light-emitting body, with high electro-optical efficiency, small size, long life, low voltage, energy saving and environmental protection, it is an ideal lighting device for the next generation. LED photoelectric test is an important and only means to test LED photoelectric performance, and the corresponding...

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Junction temperature measurement for LED filament lamps
28 Oct, 2020 2466

Junction temperature measurement for LED filament lamps

Abstract The improvement and spreading of the LED filaments lamps requires reliable and accurate methods and instruments for junction temperature measurement. Based on the forward voltage methods, the measurement process and the equipment of LED filaments lamps are introduced. And the dependence of junction temperature on various factors are discussed. General Though the LED filament lamp technolo...

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How to Test the LED Junction Temperature?
16 May, 2018 3318

How to Test the LED Junction Temperature?

We know that the life of LED is closely related to its junction temperature. The key to prolonging its life is to reduce its junction temperature. And the key to reduce the junction temperature is to have a good heat sink that able to exhaust the heat generated by LED in time. So, how to measure the junction temperature of LED? Junction temperature seems to be a temperature measurement problem, bu...

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The Relationship between LED Heat Dissipation and Junction Temperature
03 Jan, 2017 2657

The Relationship between LED Heat Dissipation and Junction Temperature

LED heat dissipation has become more and more attention by people, this because its Lumen decay or its life is directly related to its junction temperature, bad heat dissipation, junction temperature is high, life is short, according to the Arrhenius method, each drop 10 ℃ temperature, life will extend 2 times. From fig 1 we know, if the Junction Temperature can be controlled on 65℃, then the ...

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LED Junction Temperature Measurement|Thermal Performance Test for LED
02 Jan, 2013 3071

LED Junction Temperature Measurement|Thermal Performance Test for LED

At present, LED and LED lamps and lanterns can’t achieve ideal service life due to the reason of the performance of LED. The LED junction temperature in the working status is not only the direct key to its life and efficacy, but is also influenced by the thermal resistance under the same service conditions. The feasibility of the heat conduction system design of LED also directly affects the li...

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