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LED Lamp Temperature Tester: A Detailed Study on LISUN TMP-16 Multiplex Temperature Tester
19 Jan, 2025 134

LED Lamp Temperature Tester: A Detailed Study on LISUN TMP-16 Multiplex Temperature Tester

Abstract Temperature testing is crucial for the evaluation and quality control of LED lamps, ensuring compliance with industry standards and enhancing performance. This paper focuses on the LISUN TMP-16 Multiplex Temperature Tester, a state-of-the-art instrument designed specifically for LED lamp temperature testing. The discussion includes the device’s technical specifications, applications...

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A high accuracy temperature tester to increase temperature detection efficiency – Multiplex Temperature Tester
28 Mar, 2024 519

A high accuracy temperature tester to increase temperature detection efficiency – Multiplex Temperature Tester

The Multiplex Temperature Tester is a tool which can simultaneously monitor multiple temperature changes in real-time, with LCD display and U disk storage, due to its user-friendliness and accuracy. Also it is a high accuracy temperature tester that improves temperature detection efficiency. The Multiplex Temperature Tester is equipped with software that can save all temperature changes into the U...

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The importance of LM-82 Standard against the lighting industry
27 Nov, 2023 783

The importance of LM-82 Standard against the lighting industry

Lighting is an indispensable part of human life. It can not only provide light, but also has an important role in shaping the environment, improving work efficiency, and promoting human health. In order to ensure that the quality and performance of lighting products meet international standards, Lighting Research Center has formulated a series of lighting standards, including the LM-82 standard. T...

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Learn the Lighting Features of WELL Certification
08 Feb, 2023 967

Learn the Lighting Features of WELL Certification

The North American Lighting Engineering Association (IESNA) has recently published the LM-82-12 standard test method. This test method can measure the relationship between the electrical, optical characteristics and temperature of LED light engine and LED light bulb in the working state. The new standard provides a consistent test method to help lamp manufacturers choose LED light engines and inte...

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What is temperature rise test
03 Mar, 2022 2997

What is temperature rise test

1. What is a thermocouple? 1.1 Introduction to Thermocouples Thermocouple (thermocouple) is a temperature measuring element commonly used in temperature measuring instruments. It directly measures the temperature, converts the temperature signal into a thermoelectromotive force signal, and converts it into the temperature of the measured medium through an electrical instrument (secondary instrumen...

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