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What is a tracking test chamber,Let’s Analyze Leakage Tracing Test Apparatus
24 Mar, 2024 211

What is a tracking test chamber,Let’s Analyze Leakage Tracing Test Apparatus

Solid insulation materials may form some conductive paths under the joint action of electric field and electrolyte, that is, leakage discharge traces may occur, and the resistance to leakage discharge traces is used to measure the insulation material’s ability to resist leakage discharge traces. Therefore, resistance to leakage discharge traces is an important index for measuring insulation....

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Exploring Tracking Test Chamber and Its Application in the Safety Detection of Electronic Products
16 Jul, 2023 440

Exploring Tracking Test Chamber and Its Application in the Safety Detection of Electronic Products

The upgraded Tracking Test Chamber according to the new standards GB/T4207-2022 can accurately and precisely measure the specific electrical tracking indexes and comparative electrical tracking indexes of actual materials according to standards such as GB 4706.1-2008, GB/T4207-2022, IEC60112-2020 “Determining Method of Solid Insulating Materials’ Electrical Tracking Index and Comparative Elect...

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How can you use LISUN tracking test chambers
27 Sep, 2022 1032

How can you use LISUN tracking test chambers

A unique testing tool used in laboratories is the tracking test device. The Tracking test device is used to gauge a surface’s resistance to a leakage mark under an electric field and contaminated media. It is appropriate for the research, manufacturing, and quality inspection departments of lighting equipment, low-voltage electrical appliances, home appliances, machine tools, electrical moto...

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TTC-1 Tracking Test Chamber is Designed According to IEC60112-2009
24 May, 2021 1433

TTC-1 Tracking Test Chamber is Designed According to IEC60112-2009

The full name of IEC60112-2009 is <Method for the determination of the proof and the comparative tracking indices of solid insulating materials>. It has been prepared by subcommittee 15E: Methods of test, of IEC technical committee 15: Insulating materials.The following is the original content of IEC60112-2009 Principle. The upper surface of the test specimen is supported in an approximately...

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Test Method of Tracking Test Chamber
03 Nov, 2020 1926

Test Method of Tracking Test Chamber

Introduction: The TTC-1 Tracking Test Chamber which used for determining the degree of protection against formation of conducting paths in solid insulating materials, due to the electric stress and electrolytic contamination of the surface. This method simulates tracking currents on insulation material by providing drops between electrodes. During the process of normal use, insulating material may...

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IEC60598 General Requirements and Testing
03 Jan, 2017 3371

IEC60598 General Requirements and Testing

With the fast development of electrical industry in China, manufacturing enterprises scale grows constantly, international electric safety standards apply more and more widely. Lighting industry standards are also widely used. International standard IEC60598 general requirements and test cover classification of luminaries according to degree of protection against ingress of dust, solid objects and...

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