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What is the composite salt spray test standard of the composite salt spray test chamber
26 Jun, 2023 762

What is the composite salt spray test standard of the composite salt spray test chamber

The composite salt spray test chamber, also known as the programmable composite salt spray testing machine, breaks through the concept of traditional salt spray chambers. In addition to having the functions of regular salt spray testing machines, it also combines the functions of alternating (cyclic) salt spray testing, providing testing environments such as idiomorphic corrosion and filamentous ...

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Why salt spray testing is important for solar lights outdoor
29 Oct, 2022 987

Why salt spray testing is important for solar lights outdoor

The salt spray test standard specifies the salt spray test conditions, such as temperature, humidity, sodium chloride solution concentration and pH value, and also puts forward technical requirements for the performance of the salt spray test chamber. The salt spray test standard adopted for the same product shall be selected according to the characteristics of salt spray test, corrosion rate of m...

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Testing automobile parts, aviation equipment and buildings using salt spray machine
22 Oct, 2022 950

Testing automobile parts, aviation equipment and buildings using salt spray machine

The Composite Salt Spray Test Machine (YWX/Q-010X) is used to evaluate the anti-corrosion properties of all painted, coated, and electroplated surfaces under salt spray conditions. The device meets the requirements of GB/T 2423.18, GB/T-10125, IEC 60068-2-11, GMW 14872, TCSAE 71, VCS 1027_1449, PV 1210, etc. The LISUN salt spray test machine does measurement by imitating elements more frequently f...

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How to ensure your solar lights withstand any weather with a salt spray test
09 Sep, 2022 1041

How to ensure your solar lights withstand any weather with a salt spray test

Salt spray test is a clear and specific regulation of salt spray test conditions, such as temperature, humidity, sodium chloride solution concentration and pH value. In addition, it also puts forward technical requirements for the performance of salt spray test chamber. The purpose of salt spray test is to assess the salt spray corrosion resistance quality of products or metal materials, and the j...

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