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How can an accelerated Salt Spray Test be used
06 Nov, 2022 1540

How can an accelerated Salt Spray Test be used

Salt spray testing Salt spray testing simulates a corrosive salty environment in the laboratory. It is used to speed the testing of surface coatings’ capacity to withstand air corrosion. It is one of the oldest testing procedures used in the HVAC-R coatings business and, as such, is frequently referred to when selecting HVAC-R coatings. YWXQ-010_Salt spray Test chamber The utility The salt s...

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Basic Environmental Test for Luminaire According to IEC 60068
09 Jan, 2017 3934

Basic Environmental Test for Luminaire According to IEC 60068

During World War II and after the war, Western countries, especially the United States, have established a series of environmental testing ground, laboratory and developed environmental testing standards. Required by the US military, all weapons equipment, parts, materials, and ammunition must be sent to the environment laboratory to simulate environmental testing, and then sent to environmental t...

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